I want to welcome everyone to Alfheim Linux. This forum is open to everyone so please be polite and kind. We will NOT permit abuse in any form, but do encourage lively discussion on here. The following things are BANNED from this and any of our public groups, and could result in a ban from our sites.
* Hateful Speech - including but not limited to speech against someone (or a
group of people) based on race, sex, religion (including non-religion), lifestyle
choices (including sexual orientation), political affiliations and technical
* Images that can fall under hateful speech, are illegal, or people might find
* Spamming groups, members, or the community. We know that you might be
excited about something that you have done with our product, or something
that you have been working on a while, but do NOT spam every outlet, post,
and comment with your links, for any reason. If you want to advertise
something you are working on please post in the Advertisement section of
the forum. Only post one update to that forum on Release, multiple posts will
be removed and may result in a ban.
* Posts doxxing anyone will result in a ban.
* Posts related to illegal activities will result in a ban - including but not limited
to the release of hacked software (by hacked we mean illegally circumvented
software, you may hack on open source software all day long and post about
it), posts relating to the sale or trade of narcotics, posts relating to the sale or
trade of firearms, and posts related to the sale or trade of illegal media
(media that has not been purchased by the recipient from the respective
copyright owners or their agents).
In regards to the hacked software clause of the illegal activities section of banned posts :: We will regularly hold Online HackFests that we will setup rooms for on alfheimlinux.slack.com, and forums for on here. These are valid spots (and only these) to post about your exploits, please do so in a respective way to the software owners by only posting full exploits AFTER following approved guidelines of informing the owners of these software flaws, and allowing them 30 days to fix the flaws. You MAY however, post in these two spots that you have discovered a flaw in X program before that time, just do not post the exploit before the company has ample time to patch the flaw (30 days).
In regards to the rule about hateful speech towards someone technical abilities :: We all started somewhere when it came to computers. Telling someone to simply RTFM doesn't help, telling them to search the forums doesn't help, and telling them to Google it doesn't help. That just tells them that you do NOT care to help them. I have Googled things for hours, and searched forums up and down, just to have to piece together the answer from 50 sources before. We need to be sharing our knowledge with those that may not have the same background as us, or we need to let others do it. Posting a link to a forum article about the issue the person is seeking help on is helpful, posting a link from a website is helpful. Using LMGTFY and posting that link IS NOT helpful.
We want everyone to feel welcome, these rules are here to achieve that, and if we are to be honest to keep us from being shutdown. If we all abide by the simple rule of respect for the individual, it will be a warm and welcome community.