Hi, I am attempting to install Alfheim to a USB to play around with. I burned the ISO to another USB, and when I attempt to boot I get the error "Failed to boot loader.efi: (14) Not Found"
I redownloaded the image and tried again in case my iso was corrupt, but that did not fix it. The method I used to burn the ISO was "dd if=/path/to/alfheim-kvama.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M" on the Kvama release. If I boot in legacy mode, then Grub loads as expected. I see loader.efi is in the EFI folder alongside bootx64.efi. Any ideas?
Okay, I'll do that when I get an opportunity to.
Yeah, I'll keep an eye on the project. When EFI boot is fixed I'm interested in doing some testing with it.